2020 Comedy Show - Written by: Kimberly Cooper & Friends
Due to the climate of the environment [COVID-19], this virtual comedy show brought several sketch comedies, singing, and words of encouragement to the forefront of an upbeat nature - to remind us that there’s still something to SMILE about.
“Imagine - A Night of Laughter and Entertainment”
2020 Comedy Show - Written by: Kimberly Cooper & Friends
This variety show deals with several comedic acts, who bring about imaginations for feeding the soul and spirit with laughter, worship, and the empowerment of the word of God.
“Healing for the Soul - A Night of Laughter”
2019 Comedy Show - Written by: Kimberly Cooper & Friends
A night filled with several original comedy sketches of laughter, worship, and words of empowerment to bring joy to the bones.
“I Believe”
2019 Stage Play - Written by: Kimberly Cooper
This production is surrounded by a young man whose Faith was shattered by the circumstances of life. These circumstances almost led him to a place of destruction, but the love of a mother and her prayers brought him back to the place of great belief.
“Love Covers All” (1st Peter 4-8)
2018 Stage Play - Written by: Kimberly Cooper
This production is based on the power of love. The love that we as believers should display to one another, then unto the world. It also shows how love can be challenged, corrected, and encourages you to be better.
2016 Stage Play - Written by: Kimberly Cooper
This production is based on John 4, the woman at the well. This woman had led a loose life, but God changed her. The people at her new church seemingly judged her for her past, even though their lives weren’t any better. These church folks had their own issues to deal with in life, yet they were expecting God to show mercy toward them and not show mercy for anyone else.
“Can You See Me”
2013 Dinner Theatre - Written by: Kimberly Cooper
This one woman production deals with three generational women who describe their story, struggle, and their triumphs in life.
“Jesus Is”
2021 Virtual Show - Written by: Kimberly Cooper
This event was featured live on YouTube and brought us laughs, God’s Word and introduced Ms. Cooper’s newest character, “Wizdum”.